Do you want to start marketing your business but are unsure of where to begin? Facebook marketing just might be the answer you are looking for. This strategy could connect you with millions more people. Contests are a fantastic way to market and get new followers on Facebook.Offer up discounts and prizes and discounts in exchange for encouraging people to like your page. Always actually send the prize though; you don't want to be viewed as dishonest. You ought to urge customers to join by providing freebies to certain subscribers. Post who the names of winners are to your page and watch as your number of followers grows with each giveaway. Facebook Offers is a great tool for promoting giveaways and contests or giving away free products through your website. You just need to set the offer and then convert it to something known as a Promoted Post on your wall. You can promote it outside your fan base if its a great offer. Don't forget about your page. You should ensure t...